Are you or do you know a Soldier?

Do you like Karaoke?

We need you!

Or your help…

For our upcoming festival in March 2011 we are working with a company called Quarantine who we will be bringing a project called The Soldier’s Song to Birmingham.

Image credit: Gavin Parry

The project is a video installation; it takes the form of a karaoke
booth playing videos of soldiers singing their favourite karaoke songs.

We are trying to find soldiers who love singing to record a song with us.

We are looking for songs from 3 local West Midlands soldiers to join the existing 7 solders’ songs (from when the project was shown in Manchester).

“Forget Robson and Jerome – the singing soldiers of a new karaoke installation are the real deal” (article on The Soldiers Song in The Independent newspaper)

Soldier’s need to available on 26 – 27 Jan 2011 and if you or someone you know would like to be one of our Soldiers for the West Midlands…

Email: or call 07944 631 912.

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!