UK Premiere

Jeremy Nedd (Basel)

from rock to rock ...aka how magnolia was taken for granite

Thursday 17 October 2024, 7.00pm8.15pm

20 Sheepcote Street
Birmingham, B16 8AE
+ Google Map

Presented with performance, possession + automation

75 minutes | £15/13
5 people, 2 in grey tracksuits, 3 in white tracksuits, are facing each other dancing. There is a backdrop of snowy mountains on the right.

Philip Frowein

5 bodies are wrapped around each other in a pile. They are wearing grey and blue tracksuits. There is a backdrop of snowy mountains behind them.

Philip Frowein

5 people in blue and grey tracksuits are sat on the floor on the right side of the frame looking up at hanging microphones. There is a snowy mountain backdrop behind them.

Philip Frowein

A person is centre of the frame in a white tracksuit with the hood up. Their arms are outstretched and they’re looking down. There is a snowy mountain backdrop behind them.

Philip Frowein

We see a person’s legs. There are concrete blocks attached to their shoes. They are wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and holding a microphone lead which is also laid out across the floor behind them.

Philip Frowein


Inspired by a rapper’s copyright lawsuit against a video game company, Basel-based choreographer Jeremy Nedd’s latest work explores a dance move known as “the Milly Rock.” Five performers (including the multi- talented Brandy Butler, Zen Jefferson, Nasheeka Nedsreal and Serge Desroches) examine the Milly Rock, a dance move inspired by the rapper 2 Milly. In doing so, they search for the hidden poetry and virtuosic freedom found in social and viral dance moves. Taking a look into the “algorhythm” of marginalized movement languages one asks: can a dance move belong to anyone? And, when yes, who actually profits from it?

from rock to rock …aka how magnolia was taken for granite is included in our Bear (AKA Full Week) Pass. Click here for more information about our passes.


Concept/Choreography/Performance: Jeremy Nedd
Performance: Brandy Butler, Nasheeka Nedsreal, Zen Jefferson, Jeremy Guyton
Technical Management & Lighting Design: Sebastian Sommer
Stage Design: Laura Knüsel, Jeremy Nedd
Sound Design: Fabrizio Di Salvo, Rej Deproc, Xzavier Stone
Dramaturgy: Anta Helena Recke
Choreographic Assistant: Kihako Narisawa
Production: Caroline Froelich (Moin Moin Productions)
Touring: Caroline Froelich (Moin Moin Productions), Arina Frölich

In coproduction with Kaserne Basel, De Singel Antwerp, DDD – Festival Dias da Dança Porto, Gessnerallee Zürich, Les Halles de Schaerbeek

With the kind support of Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung


Fierce Says

We love Jeremy Nedd, who did a digital residency with us back in October 2023. We’re suckers for repetitive movements in performance, but from rock to rock takes variations on the viral Milly Rock dance and conjures something consciousness-altering, expansive, joyous, and irresistible.


Thursday 17 October 2024


Crescent Theatre, Main House