Emma Hart (London 1974) is an artist whose work spans video, installation, ceramics and sculpture. She believes the overwhelming real we stumble through is split from the way digital culture references it, then smoothes it all over. Life looks good in images, or if not good then far away enough for us to manage and control. Sculpture, most recently ceramics, provides a way to physically corrupt and ‘dirty’ images and forcefully squeeze more life out of them. For Fierce Festival, we have teamed up with Grand Union to show some of Emma’s earlier video works at our festival hub BOM. On Saturday 4th October from 4pm, we will be screening a showreel of 7 videos, as a counterpoint to her solo show at Grand Union of her ceramic sculptural works. Hart’s main concerns are the limits and the frustrations of the lens, and we aim to chart her progression from her previous video works to her current obsession with ceramic sculptural objects.
Screening: Emma Hart
Saturday 10 October 2015, 4.00pm – 5.00pm
1 Dudley Street
Birmingham, B5 4EG United Kingdom + Google Map
Birmingham, B5 4EG United Kingdom + Google Map

Saturday 10 October 2015