Fierce Press Gang get to work

Back in January, Fierce worked with Birmingham City Council’s Next Generation scheme, mac and  IdeasTap to recruit a crack team of young reporters to help us document this year’s festival.  The ten winners, all aged between 16 and 19, will be creating personal responses to each Fierce event, interviewing artists and audiences, and updating the Fierce blog with their experiences.


Press Gang members try different light sources


As part of their 6-week training course, yesterday the Fierce Press Gang took part in a photography workshop hosted by mac and delivered by Jaskirt Dhaliwal (one of our Platinum artists in 09-10), learning about light sources and composition so those of you coming to party hard at Fierce look your very best on camera…


Press Gang try shooting outdoors
Press Gang in papparazzo-mode

One of the next sessions will be a Fierce WordPress 101, so keep your eyes on this blog to see how they do.

Fierce Press Gang is funded by Birmingham City Council’s Next Generation scheme and supported by mac and Ideas Tap.