Susannah Hewlett (London)

My Minor Spectrorective

Tuesday 15 October 2019Sunday 20 October 2019

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Artist in residence. Various dates

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Susannah Hewlett

Cross breeding live art, comedy, theatre, sound and film for over 15 years Susannah Hewlett is delighted to present to you a buffet selection of her finest cold cuts. A platter of audio interventions, televisual highlights and be-wigged characters.

Fixated on popular culture, her work challenges the comfort of audiences by using comedy as a strategy to disarm – scratching through the shiny Saturday night TV dazzle or looking past the kindly smile to reveal unpalatable truths about the human condition.

Fierce Highlight:

The Great British Cack Off – Sunday 20 October, MAC, 12–4pm

The ultimate poo making battle using only peanut butter, chocolate spread and oats – where passionate amateurs compete to be crowned the UK’s Best Cack Master! The judges look for signature style, technical excellence and showstopping qualities!

‘as intimate as a colonic irrigation and, if it’s possible, funnier...’

– Total Theatre

Fierce Says

We can’t think of an artist who has made us laugh more over the years than Susannah Hewlett. From the show in a caravan with some poor bloke tied up in the toilet, to a new born baby dressed up as a snake in a participatory family pet show and perennial idiot Chris Titmus. Su is our first official festival artist in residence – look out for her subtle
and sometimes not so subtle interventions across the festival


Tuesday 15 October 2019Sunday 20 October 2019

Various locations