UK Premiere

Kate McIntosh (Brussels)

In Many Hands

Tuesday 15 October 2019Thursday 17 October 2019

Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Broad St
Birmingham, B1 2EP United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Presented in partnership with Birmingham Repertory Theatre

90 mins
Kate McIntosh, In Many Hands

Credit Mandy Lyn

In recent years, audiences to Kate McIntosh’s works have been involved in many different ways – they have been invited to take part as accomplices, craftsmen, orchestra-members and rainmakers.

This project steps away from the stage – instead bringing the audience into a series of aesthetic sensory situations, inviting them to experiment with materials and encounter physical phenomena themselves. In Many Hands is part laboratory, part expedition, part meditation – as it unfolds, visitors take their time to engage and explore as they wish, following their noses and curiosities. Returning to Fierce for the third time, Kate’s work is guided by her ongoing fascinations with the misuse of objects, playfulness with the audience and an off-beat humour.

Concept & Direction – Kate McIntosh
Developed in collaboration with – Arantxa Martinez, Josh Rutter
Presented with – Lucie Schroeder
Sound – John Avery
Light & technique – Joëlle Reyns
Technical direction tour – Koen De Saeger, Michele Piazzi
Artistic advice – Dries Douibi, Gary Stevens
Studio Assistance – Lucie Schroeder
Drawings – Daria Gatti
Production – Sarah Parolin, Linda Sepp
Production Assistance – Jana Durnez, Anneliese Ostertag, Mara Kirchberg
Producing – SPIN

‘After about 45 minutes, there is probably no one in the room whose hands are not completely filthy... A rare and wonderful offer to concentrate on yourself without losing sight of your fellow human beings.’


Fierce Says

Fierce isn’t generally a fan of audience participation but we are in LOVE with this show. Its democratic format means everyone engages on an equal level, and nobody is left feeling exposed. We don’t want to give too much away – just trust us and come, we had a transcendental experience. A festival highlight.


Tuesday 15 October 2019Thursday 17 October 2019

Birmingham Repertory Theatre, The STUDIO

UK Premiere

Davy Pieters (Rotterdam)

How Did I Die

Tuesday 15 October 2019Wednesday 16 October 2019

Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL United Kingdom
+ Google Map

This presentation is supported by performing Arts Fund NL. Presented in partnership with Warwick Arts Centre and BE FESTIVAL.

65 mins
Davy Pieters, How Did I Die

Credit Anna van Kooij

In How Did I Die, time cannot be trusted: neither the period from the discovery of the body to a possible conclusion, nor the possible final hours of the deceased. Nothing is certain. Time and truth are manipulated, conspiracy theories revised. The truth is a complex puzzle in which our fantasies can be gruesomely real or unreal. Just one murder has taken place, but there are countless paths that could have led to it. Does the reconstruction bring us closer to the truth, or does it push us further away? How Did I Die is a realistically fictional, cinematic, physical production. Particularly suitable for those who love a good thriller.

See How Did I Die as part of our Gala Opening double bill alongside Justin Shoulder’s Carrion at Warwick Arts Centre on Tuesday 15th October. Our special price double bill ticket includes a free return bus leaving Birmingham at 6pm from Minerva Works and returning after the last show. Double bill ticket available here.

Please note Warwick Arts Centre is in Coventry and not walkable from the other Birmingham venues.

Script, Direction & Set Design – Davy Pieters
Performance – Klára Alexová Nina Fokker Alexei Ovsiannikov
Sound Design – Jimi Zoet
Lighting Design & Technical Support – Bob Ages
Coaching – Marc Linssen Jetse Batelaan Loes van der Pligt
Photography – Roy Soetekouw
Producing – Theater Rotterdam and Frascati Producties

‘The starting point of How Did I Die may be simple, the precision with which the performance is constructed is masterful. It requires a great talent to tickle the brains of your audience in such an intelligent, witty and hallucinatory way.’

– Trouw

Fierce Says

A murder mystery like you’ve never seen it before. This is theatre for the Netflix generation: a gripping drama, but played out with unbelievable movement skill, with a 90s I Know What You Did Last Summer kinda vibe. Not available on iPlayer.


Tuesday 15 October 2019Wednesday 16 October 2019

Warwick Arts Centre, Studio

UK Premiere

Kate McIntosh (Brussels)

In Many Hands

Tuesday 15 October 2019Thursday 17 October 2019

Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Broad St
Birmingham, B1 2EP United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Presented in partnership with Birmingham Repertory Theatre

90 mins
Kate McIntosh, In Many Hands

Credit Mandy Lyn

In recent years, audiences to Kate McIntosh’s works have been involved in many different ways – they have been invited to take part as accomplices, craftsmen, orchestra-members and rainmakers.

This project steps away from the stage – instead bringing the audience into a series of aesthetic sensory situations, inviting them to experiment with materials and encounter physical phenomena themselves. In Many Hands is part laboratory, part expedition, part meditation – as it unfolds, visitors take their time to engage and explore as they wish, following their noses and curiosities. Returning to Fierce for the third time, Kate’s work is guided by her ongoing fascinations with the misuse of objects, playfulness with the audience and an off-beat humour.

Concept & Direction – Kate McIntosh
Developed in collaboration with – Arantxa Martinez, Josh Rutter
Presented with – Lucie Schroeder
Sound – John Avery
Light & technique – Joëlle Reyns
Technical direction tour – Koen De Saeger, Michele Piazzi
Artistic advice – Dries Douibi, Gary Stevens
Studio Assistance – Lucie Schroeder
Drawings – Daria Gatti
Production – Sarah Parolin, Linda Sepp
Production Assistance – Jana Durnez, Anneliese Ostertag, Mara Kirchberg
Producing – SPIN

‘After about 45 minutes, there is probably no one in the room whose hands are not completely filthy... A rare and wonderful offer to concentrate on yourself without losing sight of your fellow human beings.’


Fierce Says

Fierce isn’t generally a fan of audience participation but we are in LOVE with this show. Its democratic format means everyone engages on an equal level, and nobody is left feeling exposed. We don’t want to give too much away – just trust us and come, we had a transcendental experience. A festival highlight.


Tuesday 15 October 2019Thursday 17 October 2019

Birmingham Repertory Theatre, The STUDIO