The next Fierce Festival will take place 10 – 16th October 2022, as part of our 25th year anniversary celebrations.
It has been a difficult but necessary decision to postpone our planned 2021 festival in the context of a global pandemic which has had a major impact on our fundraising plans. Like many arts organisations in the last year, we have spent time stabilising the organisation in this extraordinary context, and continuing to support artists to develop exciting new projects for future festivals (through our Fierce Further programme, our Distinctly Birmingham residencies and new theatre show The Making of Pinocchio). Fear not, we’ll still be presenting some exciting Fierce events later this year (in person!) and look forward to announcing the return of Club Fierce as soon as it is safe to do so.
We are also inviting our audiences to have a say in the planning of the next Fierce Festival. Do let us know your thoughts on what you’d like to see at our 2022 edition, celebrating 25 years of Fierce. The simple survey will take 5 minutes to complete.
You can also support Fierce by making a donation today, all levels of donations are gratefully received!