Paul has been with us for one week now, the first of his two week placement with the Festival. He’s actually an apprentice from Mousonturm, Frankfurt, so we’re very lucky to have him as an honorary member of the team!
My internship with the Fierce Festival is my first one in another country and this of course makes everything even more exciting than it would be anyhow.
On the first day, the Fierce team welcomed me more warmly than I could have ever imagined. Even though I have only finished my first week working at Fierce it feels like it way more time has already passed.
The following are the performances/shows I am most excited to see:
Tania El Khouri / The Search For Power
“The Search for Power” has a topic that in my opinion should be talked about a lot more, since we all are used to having electricity almost all the time around us in our society. Without electricity our modern systems would all collapse, nearly everything wouldn’t work.
From this point of view the piece is very present and the topic is something everybody should think about at least once.
Also, the shows location AE Harris is quite unusual compared to other theatre spaces which makes the evening even more of an experience rather than just a show.
I wanted to see Oozing’s show the moment I read about it and saw the pictures. It looks like some unimaginable things are about to happen in these 60 minutes.
Though I am really excited for the show I don’t quite know what will happen but that makes me want to see it even more.
When I heard that the man in this performance will be laying in a bath tub that is filled with real glass I really couldn’t believe it. Is he going to get out of here? How is he planning on doing it and how will he move at all?
These questions are in my head every time I am thinking about the performance and I think everybody who also asks themselves these questions is going to have thrilling 90 minutes.
Doris Ulich / Every Body Electric
Everybody Electric was one of the first shows I saw in my apprenticeship at Mousonturm.
In the show Doris Ulich demonstrates that people with a disability can perform as well as people without a disability, in fact they can do even more by using their machines (for example wheelchairs, prostheses, crutches) as extension of their bodies. In doing so the performers are able to make beautiful moves that you have never seen before and that a human body alone would not be possible to perform.
I am looking forward to seeing the show again and to look for things that have changed since last year.